[Archive] FT3YL Presentation – 2017

I’m student in networks and telecommunications, I go to Dumont d’Urville (Antarctica) for my next job.


Source : http://www.openstreetmap.org

My mission consist to manage the network, measure the magnetic field of the earth and seismological survey.


Source : http://www.taaf.fr/La-base-Dumont-d-Urville

I’m a beginner in HF radio but I want to try to install a ham radio station at Dumont d’Urville a french scientific base.

My job is my priority, I can transmit juste only during my spare time. I’m not a DXpedition. This activity will be secondary to the scientific work.

During this mission of 1 year in Antarctica, my QSL manager is F6KPQ a french radioclub in Britany. http://f6kpq.org/


Radio club F6KPQ by François Mariotti - Photography

Thank to the Clipperton DX Club (http://wp.cdxc.org/) and Batima Electronic (http://batima-electronic.com/) for their support.